Reporting infection rates outside the ICU

Posted on by Mary Smith

CDC released the April 2013 CDC/NHSN Protocol Corrections, Clarification, and Additions that surveillance will occur in any inpatient location where denominator data can be collected, which may include critical/intensive care units (ICU), specialty care areas (SCA) neonatal units including neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), step down units, wards, and long term care units.   CDC reported 41,000 CLABSI’s have been reported annually in January of 2013.  When we look at reporting infections from the Medical and Surgical floors, we can anticipate these numbers will be even greater.  We all know how  serious these infections are and typically causing a prolongation of hospital stay and increased cost and risk of mortality.  VAT’s (vascular access teams) need to be educating on all units and monitoring all lines.

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