Add on devices, are you using them?

Posted on by Mary Smith

Connectors and Caps can play a key role in preventing complications with our vascular access devices.   Caps can eliminate the compliance issue with scrubbing.  Data states to “scrub” for 15 seconds before attaching your syringe.  When you count this out, one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three,  I would bet the majority of us do not scrub this long.  One cap we use at our facility “The green Cap” states “Green is clean”.   They are pretty inexpensive, considering the costs of a CLABSI (central line associated blood stream infection) or the costs associated with contaminated blood cultures.  We had a patient that had her line pulled because the preliminary cultures came back positive, but then was determined to be contaminated.  Vascular Access Teams are looking at ways to improve patient outcomes and decrease hospital costs associated with complications of our lines.  We place caps on all our devices,  IV tubing and extension sets.  Connectors have come a long way in the design to prevent blood reflux at the tip of the catheter.  Neutral valve connectors take out the question as to when to clamp.   When you flush your line you can remove your syringe then clamp, or you can clamp then remove the syringe the sequence no longer matters!

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