WISVAN (Wisconsin Vascular Access Network) had our quarterly meeting last night. Troy Bettts, MS, RN President began the meeting discussing the difference between Negative, Positive and Neutral connectors for IV lines. He discussed the history of the connectors and the mechanical valves. It was clear to all the nurses that it is difficult to know what connector your patient has. Troy recommended to google the connectors to find out the steps needed to flush the lines. With neutral valves it does not matter if you clamp before you remove the syringe, with positive connectors you want to clamp after you remove the syringe and with negative connectors you want to clamp before you remove the syringe. The question is how do nurses in your facility know the protocols for each device? I recommend that you change the connector that your facility has and follow the protocol for your device. Patients present to our ED’s and Infusion centers with a variety of these devices, so it can be difficult to know what technique is correct. Teon Smith, RN and BJ Burns from Arrow/Telefex presented their antimicrobial, antithrombogetic PICC line. This is the first PICC line that has these two features that decrease the thrombin formation on the line. They presented studies that show the PICC line can also aide in decreasing CR-BSI’s (Catheter related blood stream infections).